Every student in every class has an individual goal in Literacy and Numeracy, collaboratively written with their teacher. Students will work on their goal, with the assistance of targeted teaching and resourcing, allowing them to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom.
In English, we are building teacher's skills in teaching writing by utilising the regional Literacy coach to work with teachers in developing the 'Gradual Release of Responsibility' model - 'I do, we do, you do'.
In Maths, we are continuing to focus on our work from last year using warm ups to develop students' fluency in working with numbers.
Peer coaching builds on the skills our teachers already have, and allows them time and opportunity to work together planning and observing lessons and sharing their expertise on a professional, formal level, backed up by quality research in the best learning and teaching methods.
Our goal is to provide all our students with the best teaching we are able to, so their learning is improving. To have students achieving better results on their report cards and in the NAPLAN assessment, and ultimately be better prepared for lifelong learning.

An excellent foundation for future success