
Principal's welcome


Dear Parents, carers and members of the school community,ATP-6103.JPG

Welcome to Peachester State School!

We are located in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, just 10 minutes up the hill from Beerwah, 20 minutes from Kilcoy, Woodford and Maleny. Our school has a proud history, dating back to 1911, with modern upgrades and purpose-built educational facilities for students in Prep to Year 6, offering a great education and learning opportunities for the young people in the area.

Our school motto, Courtesy, Consideration, Competence encompasses our approach to educational and extra-curricular opportunities at our school. We offer all learning areas of the Australian Curriculum with an exciting relationship to our natural environment and technologies that encourages creative thinking, problem solving and to prepare our students for a 21st century society.

At our school we utilise a multi-pedagogical approach to teaching, with a strong emphasis on play-based learning in the early years through to inquiry, explicit, direct, event and project-based teaching and learning across all of the different year levels. Learning and creating with ICTs is core to our teaching and learning practices but this is complemented by ensuring our students have opportunities to play and socialise with their peers. Our school offers a range of lunch time clubs and programs that students can enjoy during breaks and after school.

Students at our school learn Japanese from Prep and are taught all five strands of The Arts: Music, Dance, Drama, Visual and Media Art throughout a 2-year cycle. From Year 3, students can enjoy both gardening and cooking lessons, strengthening their connection with nature, but also teaching them fundamental skills for sustainable, cost-effective living. In Year 4, students also have an opportunity to learn an instrument through our Instrumental Music program.

In addition to the internal and external Arts opportunities, sporting opportunities are also equally important to us as a school. Our year 5-6 students attend inter-school sports several days each term and individual students have a multitude of opportunities to join district teams and represent us further in the sporting arena, across a myriad of sports. More information on these programs is available from our office.

If you have any questions or queries about enrolling your child, or about the school, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you with your enquiry.

Yours in education

Kim Fillery


Last reviewed 08 August 2023
Last updated 08 August 2023